Sunday, March 19, 2017

Two Page Spread

Hello everybody and happy Sunday! 

After brainstorming my cover page, cover photo, layout, colors, masthead, and contents page, it's time to begin my two page spread.
I had a few ideas for my two page spread, here are some of my options:
- article about a popular restaurant
- interview of chef/owner of popular restaurant 
- create an "always included" section of a D.I.Y. recipe based on the time of the year
- trendy foods and where to find them

Above are two images showing two page spreads in food magazines. The first two page spread shows recipes and some fun pictures to show each result of the recipe. The second image is an article about restaurants and specialty foods.

In my magazine I would like to have my two page spread be my "always included" article, meaning that in every issue, this article is always included. I think a D.I.Y. recipe depending on the time of the year could be a very appealing article because it can draw in a young audience. As my intentions are to bring in a younger audience, a "do it yourself" article could attract younger women because it is an easy recipe that is also fun. Some ideas of this would be a do it yourself easter cupcake or a do it yourself summer popsicle.
The recipe can actually be found here, and the page would include graphics pertaining to the time of the year/season, super fun images correlating to the recipe, and a layout based on the food being presented. For instance, each step of this bunny garden cupcake can be presented in a bunny graphic. Easter is in spring and the bunny correlates perfectly as a symbol.
The bunny would have "step 1" written in it and would be used for step 2,3, etc...

Each issue of my magazine will include this type of page, readers will always have this to look forward to so they can make an easy and cute snack for upcoming occasions and for less money!
Many recipe books are pricey and now readers can access recipes for less money and less effort. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
Well, that's what I have decided on today. Things seem to be coming together each and every day and I cannot wait until the final result!

Until next time, Lysh

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